MegaFix Implant system
1. Submerged Implant system
MegaFix is a submerged type of an internal fixture. Depending on the bone density, patients can choose either 1 Stage or 2 Stage surgery. (surgeries)
2. Hex or Non-Hex Internal Structure
Hex & Non-Hex
MegaFix fixture can adopt either the Internal Hex or the Non-Hex structure.
3. Excellent Initial Stability
With MegaFixs own Coronal drilling, patients can get the optimal initial fixation fitting to patients bone density.
4. Rigid Connection between Fixture and Abutment
Since MegaFix has the Morse Tapered Internal structure with the side length 11, the strong sealing to the upper prosthesis is possible and it is compatible with the upper part of the EZ Plus Internal system of our company.
MegaFixs surface treatment processed by the MegaGen Super RBM guarantees the quick and (precise) certain Osseointegration
6.Safety of Full Super RBM Surface

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